
Distinguished Lecture by Rodney Harrison: Rethinking Heritage and Museums in and for the Climate Emergency
Reading Group – Heritage Futures Friday 17th , 10.00-11.30am We will discuss one of Rodney Harrison’s chapters: “Heritage as a Future Making Practice” (open access). Rsvp at:
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Historical Concert Revolution! Songs and Politics from the Musical Memory of the Netherlands
Liederen zijn verweven met kantelmomenten in de geschiedenis. Ze spelen een grote rol bij sociale protesten en revoluties. Denk aan de liederen die het actuele verzet tegen het Iraanse regime begeleiden, het gospellied We shall overcome als lijflied van de Amerikaanse burgerrechtenbeweging, of de Internationale als strijdlied van arbeidersbewegingen. Veel minder bekend zijn de revolutieliederen die aan het einde…
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Talk by Prof. Dr. Željana Tunić: Protest Movement “Justice for David” in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Between Private Forensic Investigation, Public Mourning and Political Activism
The death of one student under unclear circumstances in the northern Bosnian city of Banja Luka gained public resonance after the father of the deceased privately initiated a forensic investigation showing the lack of the rule of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The public assembly of family and friends, combined with the mourning rituals, transformed…
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Conference: Futures in the History of Deindustrialization
This upcoming conference organised by our member Christian Wicke will take place in the Museum of Industrial Heritage, Bologna, 13-15 October 2022.
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New ReAct Blogs
Check out the new ReAct blog posts: Colour: Remembrance as Resistance by Ann Rigney and Using Memory: The anti-colonial periodical Indonesia Merdeka by Anna Stibbe! ReAct – Remembering Activism is an ERC funded project led by Prof. Ann Rigney that aims to provide the first in-depth account of the remembering and forgetting of civil resistance in Europe. The blog ( features…
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