Ann Rigney
Professor of Comparative Literature, Department of Languages, Literature and Communication Utrecht University
Keywords: Cultural memory theory, Narrative, Social movements, Memory activism, Monuments

Susanne Knittel
Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, Department of Languages, Literature and Communication, Utrecht University
Keywords: Sites of memory; Holocaust memory; Perpetrators; Complicity; Genocide and Ecocide

Ton Robben
Professor of Cultural Anthropology, department of Social Sciences Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Utrecht University
Keywords: Memory and Trauma in Argentina; Reconstructing Cities After Bombing; Necropolitics

Judith Keilbach
Assistant Professor of Television Studies, Media and Culture Studies Department Utrecht University
Keywords: Media and Memory; Holocaust Memory

Ido de Haan
Professor of Political History, Department of History and Art History Utrecht University
Keywords: Holocaust memory; Reconstruction after large-scale violence

Lorena de Vita
Assistant Professor in the History of International Relations at Utrecht University
Keywords: Holocaust memory; Diplomatic history; International relations

Anna Poletti
Associate Professor of English Language and Culture
Keywords: Life narrative; Digital storytelling; Testimony

Monica Jansen
Assistant Professor of Italian Department of Languages, Literature and Communication, Utrecht University
Keywords: Transnational Italies: Memory and mobility cultures; Cultural memories of protest in Italy

Alec Badenoch
Assistant Professor in Media and Cultural Studies, Utrecht University—HERA-project “Transnational Radio Encounters (TRE)”
Keywords: Audiovisual memory in postcolonial contexts; Digital heritage and transnational memory

Britta Schilling
Associate Professor of Cultural History at Utrecht University
Keywords: Colonial memory and postcolonial heritage

Reindert Dhondt
Assistant Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture at Utrecht University
Keywords: Memory cultures in Latin America

Christian Wicke
Assistant Professor of Political History at Utrecht University
Keywords: Politics of history; Memory and urban movements

Sophie van den Elzen
Post-Doctoral Researcher at Utrecht University
Keywords: Memory and activism; Language

Daniele Salerno
Post-Doctoral Researcher at Utrecht University
Keywords: Memory and activism; LGBT+ memory

David Henig
Associate Professor at Utrecht University
Keywords: Death and mourning; History and memory; Reckoning; Slow violence; Wastes of war; Yugoslav wars

Renée Vulto
Lecturer in Cultural History at Utrecht University
Keywords: Memory and collective identities; Political song cultures

Julie Deschepper
Assistant Professor in Heritage and Museum Studies at Utrecht University
Keywords: Critical heritage studies; (Post)Soviet heritage; Contested monuments; Iconoclasm; Material culture

Michela Borzaga
Lecturer of Comparative Literature at Utrecht University
Keywords: Cultural trauma theory; (Post)colonial memory studies; Anti-mafia and anti-globalized crime memorials; time; Memory and narrative

PhD candidate at Utrecht University
Keywords: Memory and activism; (Protest) songs and poetry
Assistant Professor of Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht University
Keywords: Media & memory; Memory as politics; Postcolonial heritage; Vernacular Narratives; Black Studies